privacy policy

This statement provides you with information about your rights and how Planlø protects your personal data.

Who Are We?

Planløsninger AS creates and delivers floor plans on behalf of customers. Planløsninger AS is registered with the organization number 933520889.

What Is Planløsninger AS?

Planløsninger AS is a company you can contact if you need a floor plan for a house or apartment. This can be useful, for example, if you want to sell/rent out a property.

What Are Your Personal Data?

Personal data is information that can be linked to a physical person, such as information about name, residence, phone number, and email address. Processing refers to any use of personal data, such as collection, registration, compilation, storage, and disclosure.

How Are Your Personal Data Secured?

To secure your personal data, all communication between you and our website is encrypted using the SSL security system.

What Are Your Personal Data Used For?

The information collected about you, and other information from public registers, can be used by Planløsninger AS to provide advice, manage agreements, compile statistics, upload necessary measurements/data into software for creating floor plans, and conduct product development.


The privacy policy and terms may be updated from time to time as our services expand or change, and we will notify you if this requires new consent from you. The current version of the terms can be found here.

How to Delete My Data?

If a customer wishes to know what personal data Planløsninger AS has about them, or wishes to make changes, this must be done in writing. The request should be sent to Planløsninger AS at post@planlø

We encourage everyone not to send us sensitive information via email.


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